Thursday, January 8, 2009

I want YOU! (to read further)

I was going to write a lengthy post about "finding an identity", but it was coming out very emo, and that's just not my style. So I'll say this: I'm going to use this blog to attempt to keep me on track creating something as close to every day, if not multiple times a day, as possible, and hopefully to help me get better as an illustrator/designer. Sometimes things will be crappy, but I'm going to post them anyway to show myself that it's okay. If you feel like telling me how crappy it is or possibly just give me some encouragement, please feel free to do so.

I'm working on a recruitment ad for our magazine currently, and whipped this up. It's really more of an exercise, seeing as I was using the original poster as a reference and purposely made it as similar as possible. But I'm happy with how it came out and it was nice to paint this way instead of my usual style. It's all digital.

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